Article:  RGPR - an open-source software for GPR data processing

RGPR is a free and open-source software package for ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data processing, export/import, visualisation, etc.

RGPR is written in R, a high-level programming language for statistical computing and graphics that is freely available under the GNU General Public License and runs on Linux, Windows and MacOS. R is a highly versatile and extensible language to which C, C++ and Fortran code can be linked and run. Furthermore, the R developer community is very active and more than 10’000 packages are hosted on the official global package repository CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network, In 2017, R was ranked as the sixth top programming language by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. R is somehow similar to matlab or python (for an interesting comparison between R and python, check

RGPR is hosted on GitHub at

Tutorials available on companion website

This is an ongoing project. If you have any questions, requirements, suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact me (in english, french or german):