-– layout: page title: Class GPR date: 2021-11-19 -–


Table of Contents

Objectives of this tutorial


An object of the class RGPR

If you just enter the newly created object A in R (or enter print(A)), R will show you some information on the object A:

A                 # let's have a look at the object A
## *** Class GPR ***
##  name        = LINE00
##  filepath    = data-raw/LINE00.DT1
##  1 fiducial(s)
##  description =
##  survey date = 2014-04-25
##  Reflection, 100 MHz, Window length = 399.6 ns, dz = 0.4 ns
##  223 traces, 55.5 m
##  ****************

A is an object of the class GPR with a complex structure that can be visualised with the str() function:

str(A)            # let's have a look at the structure of A
## Formal class 'GPR' [package "RGPR"] with 29 slots
##..@ version: chr "0.1"
##..@ data: num [1:1000, 1:223] -1.05 -1.44 -1.48 -1.5 -1.54...
##..@ traces: num [1:223] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10...
##..@ depth: num [1:1000] 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6...
##..@ pos: num [1:223] 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25...
##..@ time0: num [1:223] 52.2 52.2 52.2 52.2 52.2...
##..@ time: num [1:223] 1.4e+09 1.4e+09 1.4e+09 1.4e+09 1.4e+09...
##..@ fid: chr [1:223] "" "" "" ""...
##..@ ann: chr(0)
##..@ coord: logi[0, 0 ]
##..@ rec: logi[0, 0 ]
##..@ trans: logi[0, 0 ]
##..@ coordref: num(0)
##..@ freq: num 100
##..@ dz: num 0.4
##..@ dx: num 0.25
##..@ antsep: num 1
##..@ name: chr "LINE00"
##..@ description: chr ""
##..@ filepath: chr "data-raw/LINE00.DT1"
##..@ depthunit: chr "ns"
##..@ posunit: chr "m"
##..@ surveymode: chr "Reflection"
##..@ date: chr "2014-04-25"
##..@ crs: chr(0)
##..@ proc: chr(0)
##..@ vel:List of 1
##....$: num 0.1
##..@ delineations: list()
##..@ hd:List of 14
##....$ startpos: num 55.5
##....$ gprdevice: chr "Data Collected with pE PRO (2011-00114-00)"
##....$ ANTENNA_SEPARATION: chr "1.000000"
##....$ PULSER_VOLTAGE_V: chr "400"
##....$ NUMBER_OF_STACKS: chr "16"
##....$ ODOMETER_CAL_tm: chr "979.599976"
##....$ STACKING_TYPE: chr "F1, P16, DynaQ OFF"
##....$ DVL_Serial: chr "0051-6870-0001"
##....$ Control_Mod_Serial: chr "0022-3009-0014"
##....$ Transmitter_Serial: chr "0026-3171-0008"
##....$ Receiver_Serial: chr "0025-3172-0014"
##....$ Start_DVL_Battery: chr "12.68V"
##....$ Start_Rx_Battery: chr "12.71V"
##....$ Start_Tx_Battery: chr "12.78V 12.78V"

The strings after the @ are the names of the elements that form A. These elements are called slots. To get the slots names enter:

slotNames(A)      # return the slot names
##  [1] "version"      "data"         "traces"       "depth"        "pos"
##  [6] "time0"        "time"         "fid"          "ann"          "coord"
## [11] "rec"          "trans"        "coordref"     "freq"         "dz"
## [16] "dx"           "antsep"       "name"         "description"  "filepath"
## [21] "depthunit"    "posunit"      "surveymode"   "date"         "crs"
## [26] "proc"         "vel"          "delineations" "hd"

A RGPR object consist of: 1. the GPR data (i.e. the measured amplitudes as a function of time for each GPR traces). The data are stored in the slot data. 2. meta-data (e.g. position of the traces on the survey line, time of the trace recording, time/depth of each trace sample, time step, etc.)

To access the content of a slot, enter @ followed by the name of the slot. For example, the slot vel (the estimated radar wave velocity associated with A) is accessed by:

A@vel              # the slot 'vel' (for velocity)
## [[1]]
## [1] 0.1

Normally you don’t need to access the slots directly because the R-package RGPR provides enough functions to manipulate the GPR object (i.e. to extract the necessary information and to modify the object). For example, the estimated radar wave velocity can be obtained with the function vel():

vel(A)              # access the slot 'vel'
## [1] 0.1

Note that an object of the class RGPR (e.g. A) can be manipulated as a matrix:

dim(A)            # dimension of the data: col x row
Aexp <- exp(A)    # Take the exponential of the GPR data
Asum <- A + Aexp  # Addition
# etc.
## [1] 1000  223
## [1] 1000
## [1] 223

Furthermore, it is possible to extract a portion of the GPR data without losing the meta-data contained in the object:

# Extract a portion of A that only contains
# the time samples 90 to 200 of the traces 5 to 10
B <- A[90:200, 5:10]

Note that B is also an object of the class RGPR consisting of 6 traces with each 111 time samples:

## *** Class GPR ***
##  name        = LINE00
##  filepath    = data-raw/LINE00.DT1
##  description =
##  survey date = 2014-04-25
##  Reflection, 100 MHz, Window length = 44 ns, dz = 0.4 ns
##  6 traces, 1.25 m
##  ****************